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Coaching isn't just for athletes and performers

We live in a world today where coaches for athletes and sports are everywhere. We live in a world today where, as parents, we even may pay people to coach our kids as a team or maybe even as a personal coach for the sport or sports our kids' love. As we look at the top tier of just about any endeavor for adults, you will find that performers have coaches. Pianists, orators, singers, actors, and athletes of all kinds have coaches. It would be weird if we heard of someone on a stage or field who didn’t have one. Yet in the world of business, teaching, or preaching, getting coaching is seen as the exception.

But, we all should realize, there are coaches of all kinds coaching the top-level businesses, the top teachers and administrators, and even preachers. Growing up in an educational household where my sister and I’s mother was a world-class teacher/coach, learning was not optional. Learning more to be the best we could be, was not optional. As our careers evolved, we both sought out coaches for our life journeys. We knew from childhood that learning never stopped, and we needed to seek out the best people we could find to help coach us in our careers and life. Some of the coaching she and I sought out were by accident or by simply reaching out to others whom we saw as very successful in areas we wanted to achieve greater success in. And some coaching was sought out very intentionally through world-class conferences, networks, books, one on one coaching, or mastermind groups.

These sort of intentionally sought-after coaching opportunities most often don’t occur by happenstance, but by setting a vision and mission for your career or life journey, followed by setting goals of where you see yourself going over time, and looking for the best options of good honest truthful coaching coaches. The challenge is we often don’t look for help. We often feel “we’ve got this”. Another top reason we don’t have coaches later in life is that work is something we have been doing most of our lives. Swimming the 100-meter butterfly in the Olympics isn’t like school. It is expected to have a coach. We typically want to always think and tell ourselves to prove to others, “I’ve got this!” as a badge of honor. This mentality is our greatest error and limiter to our future growth and success. The reality is, we think we’ve “got this”, but we often need help to create the best outcome for ourselves, our career teams around us, our operations, our schools and classrooms, and our churches. The side benefit of reaching out for coaching is that the growth of our skill sets and leadership greatly benefits our families.

Now, you may not know what kind of coach or coaching you are looking for and that is understandable. And if you don’t, sit down, reflect on your past failures, your biggest challenges, and the struggles you have, and write them down. Then also sit down, and develop your life journey plan of where you want to go, and where you want to be in five and ten years. Write down what you are good at, and what you are passionate about. Once you have these things written down on paper, begin to formulate the vision and mission of your life plan. Next, begin to look at those around you who are enjoying great success in areas you are looking to be successful at and reach out to them to talk to them, ask them questions, and find out what they did to get to where they got. Look around at the titans in your given industry and reach out to them. Look online for people that can help you. Youtube, Netflix, Reddit, Wealth Dragons, etc are full of free coaching.

Coaching is available in many forms for people of all ages of every background imaginable for any area of life and leadership around. You have no excuse for not finding a coach or coaches for what you are wanting to excel at. It’s just up to you! Forget that coaching is just for your kids, or people on stages, or athletes on any field or court! They are out there for you! Coaching is readily available to you 24-7-365! And as it turns out, the people with the potential to benefit the most from a coach are often the most hesitant to find a coach or be coached. You have to be humble, hungry, and ready for the message!! Let’s get it done!!


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