It All Takes Work

We all get up every day, climb out of bed, and get to work. For some, that process is happy and inspired, for some, that process is just kind of “blah”, and for some, that process is dreaded, hated, and life sucking. For me and everything I am involved with, it is my ultimate goal for everyone involved, to be able to get up each morning, come to work, greatly enjoy what they do each day, be inspired by the culture, have their “cup” and heart filled with fulfillment, and go home with a smile to enjoy their evening.
For me, in Dr Nels 1.0 at AMC, there were people that came to work and didn’t enjoy each and every day, and that was my fault, as the culture wasn’t “right” yet, leadership was poor(me!), and our daily habits weren’t caring enough, compassionate enough, and God wasn’t at the center of our business. Going back to version 1.0, I only knew one thing, and that was my philosophy of not just working smarter, but my philosophy of working smarter, working longer, and working harder to create success. When failure is not an option, and you have a bank loan, you work 24 hours a day like someone is trying to take it all away from you. Every day it’s working. Every day it’s working. Every day it’s working.
Fast forward 10 years and we have figured out that we not only continue to work hard, but we figured out how to “get it right”, and that “it” is the “culture” so that people could come to work and fulfill my ultimate goal. The goal for everyone to be able to get up in the morning, come to work, greatly enjoy what they do each day, be inspired by the culture, have their “cup” and heart filled with fulfillment, and go home with a smile to enjoy their evening. Our people have a purpose, they have a why, and in that comes enjoyment for what they do.
No matter the job, there is work to do, jobs to execute, deadlines to meet, business to go after, hard conversations to have, sometimes work that we don’t exactly like to do, people to love and care for(even if we don’t like them), and it isn’t cupcakes and rainbows all the time. But we have to have a passion for what we are doing. We have to have a bigger purpose for what we are doing, and the culture must be right for your people to enjoy their day. (creating a culture or changing the culture takes years, and doesn’t change in days or even months!)

Simon Sinek says, "Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.” And that is the key to life. If you are the leader, help your people find and fill their passion and their purpose. And if you are the team member with no passion, you must find your passion, your purpose, and your why. Without that, it’s just work or a J. O. B., likely creating an unhappiness and stress. For great success, it takes great work, great passion, great purpose, and great clarity of those things to be achieved. Find your passion and purpose in high definition, and work your tail off to achieve that success! We are all masterpieces with great purpose! Achieve it!